I know I'm probably preaching to the choir here but please do a bit of research before supporting sites like Temu & AliExpress. Both are Chinese owned companies that make their money by stealing from small businesses like myself & countless others. Both of these sites are full of nothing but stolen intellectual property. They steal the designs, the photographs & then make cheap knock-offs & sell them by the thousands.
They stole my designs along with my photographs including one with ME in it. I contacted them & was told I needed to contact their intellectual property protection division. When I contacted them & made them aware of the infringement they said I needed to send a signed DMCA compliant notice stating I am the original creator & owner of the artwork/photos & they "take these matters very seriously" which is pretty amusing since that is what their entire business model is based on. So I sent one. They still didn't remove the listing or even acknowledge that I sent the notice. So I contacted a lawyer. It will cost me $750 to send a cease and desist letter & another $650 to file a copyright application to have my photographs copyright registered to take legal action against them. This is WHY they target small businesses because they know most don't have the time or funds to fight this sort of thing. It is beyond wrong & they know it. So when you visit these sites & wonder "how can they sell this stuff so cheap?" That's how. They STEAL designs & photographs (so what you will receive will NOT be anything like what is depicted in the photos) & make ultra cheap knock-offs by the thousands.
Hoping karma finds it's way to them soon.